The Travesty of Gas

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels, coal, oil, and gas, directly increase global heating in no uncertain terms.
Coal is considered a dirty fuel: its extensive use and export by Australia threatens our climate.
Gas, on the other hand, is touted as clean and its extensive use promoted as a transition to zero emissions.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Gas is a Trojan horse!

Gas:  the Facts; we have been scammed!

We are indebted to the Australia Institute for their authoritative research into the gas industry.

Fact 1
The Australian public has been deceived and defrauded by the Gas industry for decades, aided and abetted by Government ineptitude.  We are only now waking up and doing something about it.

Fact 2
The Gas industry is enormous.  It includes mega corporations such as Woodside, Santos, Chevron and others with mega funds.
Collectively, through lobbyists, political donations and jobs for retired politicians, they appear to wield tremendous power over state and federal governments.
Through part ownership and control of private and social media, they dominate much of the public discourse and so capture the hearts and minds of many.
They are adept at presenting false facts and hiding the truth of the catastrophic consequences of their race to extract and export ever increasing quantities of gas.

Fact 3
There are numerous false claims of the gas industry that have been scientifically and comprehensively rebutted but are repeated over and over again to hide deeply disturbing truths. Here are just some.
a)  The gas industry brings considerable wealth into Australia.  FALSE
The major gas corporations pay little or no tax on their profits.  Most of the gas they export they exract for free, no resource rents are applied.  Indeed, government subsidies to gas corporations are effectively greater than monies received.  

b)  The gas industry is a significant employer of Australians.  FALSE             In Western Australia, the gas industry employs just 0.7% of the WA workforce.