Latest News and Blogs

Day 49 – Rutherglen to Henty

It's now been 7 weeks since our Cavlcaders left Perth for this epic ride to Canberra.  Today they enjoyed another great day for riding through the countryside and visiting Howlong and Walbundrie for their refreshment breaks. Another 93kms now behind them on their...

Day 48 – Violet Town to Rutherglen

A great day for riding! Good weather, beautiful countryside, historical towns. Our Cavalcaders made the most of the good conditions and covered a whopping 118kms today, via Benalla, Glenrowan and Wangaratta to arrive into Rutherglen for their well deserved overnight...

Day 47 – Seymour to Violet Town

What started off a fairly pleasant day soon turned very wet and cool for our Cavalcaders. Still beautiful countryside but a little challenging due to the weather, plus a closed bridge between Seymour and Avenal which wasn't showing on any maps or govt websites,...

Day 46 – Melbourne to Seymour

Our Cavalcaders were back on the road this morning after a great get together yesterday with Extinction Rebellion Victoria climate activists.  Neville and crew had an inspiring sendoff by Violet Coco and, after some help from the support team to move beyond the busy...

Day 45 – Melbourne!

Today was all about catching up with fellow climate action rebels in Melbourne.  Our Cavalcaders rode in from Sunshine, along the cycle paths where possible, and joined #extinctionrebellionvic at their weekly vigil at Parliament House this morning for some morning tea...

Day 44 – Bacchus Marsh to Sunshine!

Our Cavalcaders braved the traffic and some less than ideal road conditions to finally arrive into Melbourne (well Sunshine actually!) Another 50kms covered in their journey today, making the total distance now 3457kms.  Tomorrow will be a big day in Melbourne. Our...

Day 43 – Ballarat to Bacchus Marsh

A rough day cycling for our Cavalcaders.  Wind, rain, chilly and muddy. More traffic than yesterday. The good news is that they are one day closer to Melbourne and their ultimate destination of Canberra. Another soggy 63kms covered today, making a total distance of...

Day 42 – Skipton to Ballarat

Day 42, that's 6 weeks on the road now for our Cavalcaders and everyday brings them a little closer to their goal of reaching Canberra and telling our Government 'No More Gas'.  Today was a little different for the cyclists as they took to the Rail Trail between...

Day 41 – Dunkeld to Skipton

Another long ride through some beautiful countryside. A brisk tailwind helped our Cavalcaders cover an impressive 95kms.  That makes a total distance of 3279kms since setting off all those weeks ago from the WA Parliament House.  Tnanks again to #Miles Tweedie...

Become a Climate Campaigner!

Our Cavalcaders will be sporting new T-Shirts for their epic journey. You can become a climate campaigner by riding or walking around your neighbourhood or favorite location and let us know your distance travelled each week by dropping us an email or a text to the contact details below. (probably not to Neville though, he’ll be in the saddle somewhere across Australia!)

We’ll add your distances to our ‘kilometres travelled’ totals to show our politicians the breadth of support in the community.

If you’d like a Cavalcade T-Shirt to join in on the action, please contact us on the details below.  A piece of history for just $30 each.


Become a Climate Campaigner!

Contact us for more information
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