Another record day yesterday when our travellers covered 112kms from Balladonia to Baxter’s Rest. That tailwind is certainly helping our Cavalcaders reach these amazing targets but it wouldn’t be possible without their determination. That make a total distance at the end of day 13 of 1075kms.
Neville, Steve and Baz are enjoying meeting fellow travellers crossing the Nullarbor, who are expressing overwhelming support for what our Cavalcaders are achieving. According to Neville, he feels very safe riding along Eyre Highway across the Nullarbor. It’s easy to hear traffic coming and to move off the road if needed. His only complaint is the ‘rumble strips’ on the side of the road, which are hard going for cyclists!
Today’s aim is to reach Cocklebiddy, that’s a distance of another 130kms. Good luck guys, may that tailwind still be blowing!